First Strokes

Your stand up paddle board is an investment that you want to last for years to come. Proper stand up paddle board maintenance is crucial to keep your board in top condition, ensuring it performs well and stays safe to use. Here are 10 essential tips for maintaining your stand up paddle board:

Rince Your Board After Each Use

After every use, rinse your board with fresh water to remove any sand, salt, or debris that may have accumulated. This will help prevent any damage or discoloration caused by salt and other corrosive elements.

To rinse your board, simply use a hose or a bucket of fresh water to rinse off any debris. If you’ve been in saltwater, make sure to rinse your board thoroughly with fresh water to remove any salt residue.

Dry Your Board Before Storing it

Make sure your board is completely dry before storing it. Standing water can cause delamination, which can weaken your board and cause it to bubble or warp.

To dry your board, use a soft towel or cloth to wipe down the surface, paying close attention to any crevices or hard-to-reach areas. Allow your board to air dry completely before storing it.

Store Your Board in a Cool, Dry Place

Store your board in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme heat or cold. Exposure to these elements can cause your board to warp, fade, or crack.

Ideally, store your board indoors in a temperature-controlled environment. If you need to store your board outside, make sure it is covered and protected from the elements.

Use a Stand Up Paddle Board Bag

Protect your board from scratches, dings, and other damage by using a board bag. This will also help keep your board clean and dry while in storage or transport.

When selecting a board bag, make sure it is the appropriate size for your board and made from durable materials that can withstand the weight of your paddle board.

Inspect Your Stand Up Paddle Board Regularly

Regularly inspect your board for any signs of damage, such as cracks, dings, or soft spots. These issues should be addressed immediately to prevent further damage and ensure your board remains safe to use.

To inspect your board, carefully examine the surface and edges for any signs of damage. If you notice any issues, take your board to a professional for repairs.

Use a Paddle Blade Cover

Protect the blade of your paddle from scratches and other damage by using a paddle blade cover. This will also help prevent any damage to your board caused by the paddle.

When selecting a paddle blade cover, make sure it is the appropriate size for your paddle and made from durable materials that can withstand the weight of your paddle.

Avoid Dragging Your Board

Avoid dragging your board on the ground, as this can cause scratches, dings, and other damage. Instead, carry your board or use a board cart to transport it.

When carrying your board, use the handle or grip on the board to lift it, making sure to distribute the weight evenly.

Store Your Boadr in a Vertical Position

Store your board in a vertical position to prevent it from warping or becoming misshapen. You can use a stand or rack to keep your board upright when not in use.

When storing your board vertically, make sure it is securely fastened to the stand or rack to prevent it from falling over.

Use a Sun Protection Product

Protect your board from the damaging effects of the sun by using a sun protection product, such as a board wax or polish. This will also help keep your board looking new and shiny.

When applying a sun protection product, follow the instructions carefully and make sure it is the appropriate type for your board.

Transport Your Board Properly

When transporting your board, make sure it is securely strapped down to prevent it from shifting or moving around. You can use a board bag, tie-down straps, or a roof rack to transport your board safely and securely.

When using a roof rack, make sure it is the appropriate size for your board and securely fastened to your vehicle.

Final Strokes

By following these essential tips for maintaining your stand up paddle board, you can ensure it stays in top condition for years to come. A little stand up paddle board maintenance and care can go a long way in protecting your investment and keeping your board performing at its best.